437ccm必赢国际(中国)有限公司 - 维基百科



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Radio shuttle racking system is a complete high-density storage system consisting of racks, shuttles and forklifts. This efficient storage method offers new options for increasing warehouse space utilization.

  • Loading: The forklift puts the pallet on the outer position of the channel. WAP-1 shuttle car, operated by radio remote control can transport pallets along the guiding rails.

  • Picking: Shuttle transports pallets out from the deepest part of the channel to the front for the forklift to pick.

  • Shuttle: Shuttles can be placed in different channels by forklifts, and multiple channels can share one shuttle. The quantity of shuttles is determined by factors such as: channel depth, total amount of goods, batch shipment, stock-in and stock-out frequency, etc.